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    Israeli Community

    High Court Reviews Haredi IDF Conscription Amid Growing Tensions

    Israeli High Court criticizes inadequate Haredi IDF conscription, pushing for broader integration amid national tensions and shifting public sentiment.

    NYC Israel Day Parade Draws 50,000, Highlights Hostage Solidarity

    Over 50,000 Israel supporters marched in NYC's annual Israel Day Parade, spotlighting solidarity with hostages and the theme “Bring them home now.”

    Fire Near Knesset Quickly Controlled by Israel’s Firefighters

    Swift action by Israel's Fire and Rescue Authority controls fire near Knesset and Israel Museum, ensuring safety and preservation of national heritage.

    NYPD Boosts Security for Israel Day Parade Amid Tensions

    NYPD on high alert for Israel Day Parade amid rising anti-Israel sentiments, ensuring safety with extensive security measures and advanced situational awareness.

    Matthew Nouriel Tackles LA Antisemitism at Event

    Matthew Nouriel calls out selective activism & hypocrisy at LA event, highlighting antisemitism in anti-Zionist stances.

    Boosting Jewish Defense with Krav Maga & Unity Efforts

    Krav Maga & political unity key for Jewish self-defense amidst rising antisemitism & threats.

    Meron Inquiry Urges Better Safety at Holy Sites

    Israel advances in safeguarding sacred events post-Mount Meron tragedy, emphasizing improved safety measures & governance to prevent future incidents.

    Innovative Saliva Test for Breast Cancer Detection

    Breast cancer detection leaps forward with a swift, low-cost saliva test using a new handheld biosensor, promising accessible diagnostics.

    Israel’s Innovative Child Emotional Support Plan Amid Conflict

    Ohel's initiative offers Israeli children resilience workbooks to combat emotional distress, fostering hope and strength amidst adversity.

    Jerusalem’s Adloyada Purim Parade: A Beacon of Unity & Hope

    Jerusalem's Adloyada Purim parade returns after 42 years, symbolizing national unity and hope amidst conflict, with a touching homage to hostages.